I haven't been blogging much, but that doesn't mean that I'm not writing! Here's what has been going on:
Getting ready for our big move to Tampa.
Sean is running around trying to get the paperwork completed so that we can get his orders. This especially to get on the base housing wait list. And, we're trying to figure out how to handle the Hyattsville house. My mom is looking for jobs back in Ohio.
I've been learning so much about TV news these past couple of months. I am taking online classes, watching webinars, shadowing producers, shadowing assignment editors, talking to managers about advice, applying for jobs, and practicing tv news writing.
Lily is crazy fussy with Mommy.
She is still not sleeping well. We had it figured out, and then a week of 6 days, 53 hours, and the night shift really messed that up. So, she's constantly waking up now, I'm not getting sleep, I go back to sleep for an hour, Sean has to be to work earlier, and when I come downstairs, she spends the next 3 hours freaking out. She's an emotional wreck when I'm around. Not only that, some days, she takes one nap, other days, she wants two naps. She's waking up at 3am and 4am some days, and it's impossible to get her back to sleep. I've been at my wits end here for awhile. We decided that I'm taking a mommy vacation this weekend and getting a hotel room.
And, she is still having trouble with lots of people. We figured out that one unfamiliar person who keeps their distance and lets her come to them is best. We thought a baby dance would be cool. She loves to dance, loves to walk around new places. But, she got in there and couldn't handle all of the people. I don't understand it, because we took her to the mall right after, which was just as packed, but she walked around the mall for a happy hour.
Lily is an amazing baby.
This has all been so hard, but it's so incredible to watch her grow up. She probably has about 15-20 words now. She blows kisses. She hugs stuffed animals. She walks all over the place by herself. She loves to adult push buttons and flip light switches. She sings to herself. She's even sang herself to sleep a couple of rare times. She squawks. She dances. She loves to cook and clean. Hehe. She also loves buses and trucks. She loves to push around her baby doll stroller. And, she even crawled through the tunnel at the baby dance. CRAWLED!
It is incredible to watch her develop skills. We go from one month, she can't push the baby stroller around at all. She still had trouble with her weight distribution. We put something flimsy up and wait until she can walk better. Then, she can walk better, but it's exhausting to help her turn the stroller around the house. We were hunched over again. But, it seriously only took her two days of being helped before she could turn the stroller all over the house herself. OMG. I was just astounded. She really wanted to push that stroller around!!!