Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Escape to Old Town Alexandria

Sometimes it's hard to escape from our routine, because we need places we can walk, eat and do something else fun all in one swoop.  On Sunday, we wound up in Old Town Alexandria.  Lily and I have been here a few times, and we were thinking this is the first time since we've had Lily that Sean and I have been in Old Town together.  That just seems weird, because we used to always be down that way for something.

We walked, played at the Armory Tot Lot, and then took a water tour of Alexandria.

Crazy toddler playdate turns into insane shopping spree

Last weekend, we hosted a playdate for some of the local toddlers and families, which turned into a massive potluck and then eventually into a movie night.  The toddlers were jumping on the bed and screaming in glee.  People kept showing up with food and we were having so much fun, everyone stuck around until long after Lily fell asleep in the middle of the chaos on the couch.  We had to bring in some toddler lawn chairs so the rugrats could watch the movie without sitting on each other. :)

The next day, we wound up at a 50% off sale at Value Village.  Alice spent $10, Cree spent $40, I spent $63, and Heather won with $84.  We came home with a bunch of clothes, board games for $1 ( I Spy Eagle Eye, Break the Ice, Operation, Mouse Trap, others), an activity tray, and two of these dance pads, one being a piano and the other being a number-based dance mat.

Jaimeson and Olivia shopping

We needed 4 carts in the end, even though Alice only bought 4 things.
Dance Challenge Mat

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Things Lily says at 2.5 years old

Raiding the cussing jar.

"I farted."

"What is he doing?"

"I'm going to run away (from that diaper change)."

"I love you."

"It's magic!"

"I need a hat."

Mommy presented Lily with Lamb-lamb.  "NO! I want MINI Lamb-lamb!"

"I want ice cream/chocolate/beans (M&Ms)"

"Do you want to cuddle with me?"

"I want your phone."

"Give me that phone."

"Let me do it!"

"No, let me try."

"I need more water."

"I need more MILK!"

"NO! I don't want it!"

"I don't want my diaper changed."

"I don't want a shirt."

"Can daddy do it?"

"Oh no!  I lost Lamb-lamb/bottle/it."

"Where is it?  I don't see it?"

"Where is the mall?"

"Where is Whole Foods?"

"I have a boo-boo. Kiss it?"

"I want to go to the pool/mall/market."

"Lay down with me?"

"Bottle, where are you?"

 "Is it dead?"

"Beep, beep - Get out the way!"

"Daddy, I'm all done!"

"Is it poop?"

"I want more milk.  I want a lot."

Lily, you need money for more milk.  (Checks her own pocket) "Where is it? I don't see it."

Lily, give me a big kiss, I am leaving. "Where are you going?" I have a meeting.  (Sweet baby kiss.) "GET OUT!" (Uses feet to propel unsuspecting victim away.)

"Where is Daddy?"  He went to work. (Remembering our conversation yestereday...) "Oh no! He took my go-de-go (stroller)!" 

"TA-DA: It's magic!"

<--- This was Lily on a late family trip to Whole Foods after she slept 5:15p to 7:15p.  It's midnight, and she just went to bed.  What are you supposed to do with that?  Watch Shawn the Sheep, we say.

We stayed in most of today.  Played Mister Potato head and with chalk on the porch.  Eventually, we put together the 50 states puzzle and played Migoga marble run, which took up an hour and a half.

Lily loved Migoga, but we don't play it often, because it's for older kids.  Eventually, she took one of the legs and used it as a cup to drop the ball from.  She then raised it up like a wand and said, "Ta-da!  Look, mama, it's magic!  I need a hat!"

"A magic hat?"

"Yes!" She said, taking the Santa hat out of the dress-up drawer.  She told me to wear the big floppy purple hat.  That could be my magic hat.  It is indeed a magic hat.  There are no pictures of that, so sorry.  We were having too much fun, plus, I needed to hands to hold the marble run upright, as it was missing a leg or two at this point.  We both needed wands.

"Ta-da, it's magic!"