Friday, June 22, 2012

Resetting the Baby Altar

It has been 15 days since I moved out of the Magick House where Lily went from a little egg in my ovary to a growing little bean.  This week, I reset Lily'a baby altar in my temporary room.   I had ordered beeswax birthday candles to use as devotionals, as they aren't made of chemicals that burn off into the air we breathe.

I had been praying for weeks for the universe to keep our family together.  For the universe to help me open myself up to the work that I needed to do, so that Baby Daddy could open himself up to the work that he needed to do, so that our family would be strong again.  My therapist said that when someone refuses to see other perspectives, even when you are right, you cannot make them understand.  Maya Angelou said that when someone shows you who they are, believe them.  Now, I just pray for a healthy and happy baby. When I am standing in front of my little altar, thinking about blessing for my little baby, I use lavender oil to anoint a candle to draw in those loving feelings.  Today, I used an orange candle for vibrant happiness and joyous health.  Oh, baby baby!

During this waxing time of the Moon, as the lunar energy grows just like the baby inside of me, my focus is on manifesting in my daily practice all of the things that I set aside to make this transition into a peaceful space.  For the past three weeks, I have not been drinking my pregnancy teas.  I have not been doing my kegels.  I have been going a few days without using honey on my face.  I need to buy coconut oil, so that I can make more natural deodorant.  I've gotten farther in my pregnancy, so it's time to review some of the books I read in early weeks.  I also need to exercise more, as between morning appointments with my therapist, lawyer, chiropractor, midwife, and ultrasounds, it's been hard to find the energy to get to the gym.  I have managed several walks during my lunch break.  Just keep chugging along doing the best that I can.


  1. Iris, do you have any idea of how fantastic you are! You are doing wonderfully. Take joy in every accomplishment you provide for you and for your child. Do not concern yourself for what "is not done" but for all that is positive that you do. This child is born of real love (yours), and she will know the truth of love because of you.

  2. Just work on peace of mind. That is the best thing. Exercise is good especially to build strength for your labour. However, the bigger you are, the more rest you will need.
