Friday, May 24, 2013

Colorized Photos

Every now and then, I get a few minutes to just sit with Sean.  Sometimes, we sit and talk.  Sometimes, we watch a movie.  Sometimes, I just watch him parroose funny an interesting things on Reddit.  I don't often have time to parroose the internet, and we have interesting conversations about the interesting things that we find.  Last night, there was a colorized photo on Reddit.  It blew my mind.  So, we spent our time together looking through and talking about more colorized photos. 

I find the colorized photos change my understanding of history.  They put me in history.  In the room where historic events are taking place.  The really good ones are like a living history.  I like this colorized photo of someone's grandmother getting married.  My favorites were the ones of the Civil War and  President Lincoln.  There is just so much that can be gleaned in color.  I thought Lincoln looked distinguished in black and white.  In color, he looks like what I would expect a president to look like--beat down and broken from having the weight of the world on him.  In the colorized photo, it feels like I could touch the fabric of his suit and understand how it might feel.   I can imagine the process of tying that tie.  I really get a sense of being there.

I just imagine the possibilities when sharing stories of historical events and people with Lily.  She has the opportunity to experience the past in a whole new way.  Very cool.

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