Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bradley Class #3 - Pregnancy

In today's Bradly natural birth class, we talked about gestation and anatomy, we addressed some common issues in pregnancy that can make women uncomfortable, and we talked about the coach preparing for birth day.  A local chiropractor also came in to talk about prenatal chiropractic care.  And, we watched a natural birth video.

Some of the common pregnancy problems experienced by members of our class include heartburn, easily bleeding gums, nose bleeds, fatigue, and sleeping problems.  We addressed some ways to alleviate these issues.  For example, the gal with heartburn could identify and avoid the offending food, engage in moderate exercise, eat some acid-neutralizing foods like yogurt or papaya, avoid carbonated drinks (because they exacerbate the situation), or walk after meals.

We spent time talking about coaching challenges.  The Bradley natural birth method is a heavily partner-coached method.  Partners are encouraged to participate in as much of the process as possible, from attending classes and helping with nutrition, to helping with exercises and helping get mom everything she needs on baby's birth day.

What arrangements have you made so that you will be available during the birth time?

Cortney has been talking to Lily to ask her not to be born until after October 11th, because she will be out of town until then.  I will be 40 weeks on October 16th, and first babies are often born around 41 weeks anyway.  Cortney has also told her employer that at any time around then, she will need to drop whatever she is doing and come to the birth center, even if she's training away.

Cortney and I also chatted about having Kali and my mom as backup coaches.  This so that someone is there until Cortney arrives, and so that Cortney can take breaks.

What can you do to conserve energy during labor?

Cortney can sleep when I sleep, keep hydrated, and keep herself fed.  She can make sure to sleep well in the nights before the birth time.

What coaching aids will you need to have with you during labor?

Ideas from class: music, movies, blankets, pillows, lotions, massagers, heat pack, cool pack, birth ball.

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