Thursday, August 22, 2013

About to Get Carjacked by the Night Shift

Next week and the week after, I'll be moonlighting on a long night shift.  Our routine is about to be carjacked, and the routine is the only thing (topped with food, booze, laughter, cuddles, and kisses) that keeps us sane.  Seriously, it will almost be as if someone walks up to our routine with a gun, tells us to get out of the routine, steals our money and our car keys and takes off with it.  This only to leave our routine burnt out on cinder blocks under an overpass in the bad part of town.  I ain't even playing.  You will hear about this on the news.  Let me tell me tell you how abouts my birthday week is going to go (don't worry, I already learned and I am taking this week off next year):
  • The baby doesn't care that I won't get home until after midnight;  she is still going to wake up at 5am. And, WTF am I going to do if she's up from 1:30am to 3:30am like she was last night?  She's working on some big skills here!
  • My mom will spend 10+ hours taking care of the baby for these 10 days I'm on the night shift, which is about two hours longer than normal.
  • Between my mom and Sean, they will have to try to make the baby think that they have a boob for 4+ hours every night.  Hahahahahahaha. 
  • Because there is no boob at bedtime, they might have to use a lot more milk to get her to sleep.  I'm pumping less, so that's a problem.  They might use less, because she could just sleep and not look for a boob.  We just don't know.
  • Oh, and to make up for being gone so long, I'm going to have to pump a 4th time.  And, finding the time to pump is more difficult, because of the way the shows are stacked, and because I am by myself the whole evening.  Who am I kidding?  I can't pump 4 times on those shifts.  Shit.
  • I will probably spend her naps during the day trying to sleep instead of bathing and getting ready for work.  That means I will rely on my mom help to get ready for work.  Lily doesn't mess around, and she's been dragging us all over the house as she's learning to walk.  It's really cool, but really exhausting.
  • Crap.  And, I'm still going to have to make lunches.  Someone get me some coffee. Forget the cup, just IV the shit.
  • What in the bleep are we going to doing about this mammouth of a convertible car seat that we just bought?  It lives in my car, we can't get it into my mom's car, and we do have to leave it here, so that they have it just in case they need to drive her around or bring her to me.  I take the baby places, and I won't be able to stay home all day with a finger-jabber-walky, fussy baby.  So, it's looking like we are going to have to keep pulling it out of my car each day.  What a pain in the butt.
  • Daddy is going to have to take Lily in the mornings.  He loves to start the morning off with a little Lily Bean in his routine, though I often let him sleep in.  But next week, I am not getting out of bed until 6am.   
  • I  am going to spend a shit ton of money on comfort food to get me through.
  • I am going to loose my keys and other important things.  When the routine is jacked up, we loose lots of stuff.
  • I will have zero alone time.
  • Once I get home, I have to be ready for bed.  This because I will take a sweaty, sleeping Lily off of my Mom's chest, who will then be a squirmy-for-a-booby Lily, back to our bed room to nurse to sleep.  There's no doing anything after work.  It's home, change, boob, sleep. 
  • She just started to sleep like a champ most nights (not last night, but she's working on big stuff). That all goes out the window when we totally change the routine.
  • I really have no idea when I'm gonna take a shower.
  • And, it's going to jack up our routine for the week after.  It takes awhile to get our jacked routine back in line.

There are several positive aspects to working the night shift by myself:
  • I will get to maybe take Lily to some 11am events.  What, you ask?  I dunno...
  • I won't hit anyone when I roll across the feed room floor to tune a microwave shot and then immediately record said microwave shot.
  • I might see coworkers I generally never get to talk to.
  • It will be quiet at night.  No one will be in the building.
  • That said, I will get to breathe for a stretch without the damn phone ringing off the hook.
  • Overtime makes happy check.
  • We're leaving for vacation the next week, so that would have jacked our routine up anyway.  If there was a good time for my schedule to flip like this, this was it.

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