Monday, August 5, 2013

Used Glider/Rocker Score

So, one of the whole bits of the crunchy mindset is trying to recycle, repurpose, or reuse in an effort to reduce what we waste.  Once I got pregnant, my focus shifted more into reducing chemical exposure to myself and my family and less about recycling.  But, I've purchase quite a few used things recently.  We've been gifted or purchased used toys, used baby clothes, used mama clothes, and a bunch of other used baby gear.

There are times when it's just safer, cleaner, and easier to order it new on Amazon.  There are, however, just some things I can't justify the cost of new.  Take a new glider/rocker for example.  With ottoman, these things usually run in the ballpark of $400.

My mom had the rocker she used when I was a baby some 30 years ago fixed.  That broke right after Lily was born, so we bought a $280 rocker/recliner on the cheap.  That thing is way too big for Lily's new nursery in the fourth place I've lived since getting pregnant.  So, it lives in my mom's living room area downstairs.  I have a big blue arm chair up in Lily's room, which is now a part of our routine 2-3 times per day.  When we moved in, it wasn't a part of our routine at all.  The couch in the living room was, but now being on the couch is distracting.  It is also hard to make a $400 purchase if you're not sure you're going to use it regularly in a few weeks.

Over the past few months, I've used a few different gliders at various play dates.  At a party Friday night, she passed right out after 2 seconds of being rocked.  And, I wanted one.  I wanted one bad.  But, I didn't want to part with $400 to get a set.  One of our daddy friends, Christian, mentioned that he bought his glider as a model mark down at Buy Buy Baby for $80.  I wanted a glider for $80!  "Check Craigslist!"  He said.  Duh, Mommy!

Glider.  Check.  Rocking baby.  Check.  Feet up.  Check.  Sleepy baby.  Check.

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