With me, I had the stroller, two baby carriers, and a ton of snacks. I used it all. She was just in the car seat (which she hates) so she already didn't want to be in the stroller when we got to the metro garage. SNACK. When we get to the platform, I took her out of the stroller and held her for awhile. She loved to see the trains go by. And, she loved to look around the metro platform. My ears popped on the train, and there were a couple of points where she started to freak out and wanted to nurse. I think that she could have felt the pressure on her ears as we descended under the city, too.
Archives/Penn Quarter was the closest stop to the museums on the Green/Yellow line, and I didn't want to have to deal with switching trains. I was thinking the National Aquarium would have been nice, but it was a little far for us. The obvious choices from Archives were the National Art Gallery, Newseum, or animals. I picked animals. We got off the metro and walked a few blocks to the Natural History Museum. I had her in the Bjorn carrier at this point.
When we got there, I figured we should probably eat lunch first. That would make for a happier baby. I pick a $6 cheeseburger, thinking that would not make for an expensive trip. Added fries, because Lily likes fries. And, I can just keep handing her fries and she stops fussing. SNACK. Had to pick up a cupcake. Of course, I was on vacation. Grabbed a banana for Lily later. Almost $19 later and we have lunch. I did bring our own water. I forgot that I wanted coffee. That's another $3.50!! For just drip coffee. After lunch, we walked around for a little bit. Lily was sleepy at this point. So, we just cruised around, not looking at anything specific. Anything new to expose her to is cool. She likes looking at new things, new places, and new people.

Eventually, she just got so tired that she needed to be out of the stroller. She wanted to nurse. She wanted to nap. I didn't really have a nap plan. But, I whipped out the ring sling and nursed her while slowly making a way towards the door. She totally fell asleep fast, and she even let me put her up on my chest, which I haven't been able to do in a long time. I made a pit stop at the National Gallery of Art Garden Cafe to pick up more coffee. They even have wine, beer, and sangria! Very cool. I figured that if I could just get coffee and sit somewhere that we'd be good for a couple of hours.

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