Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Night Shift Begins

So far this week, we've gone to a baby/toddler music time, library story time, and a baby/toddler pool play date.  It hasn't been a bad week.  This was the start of Monday and sums up our new routine:

5:30am - Baby wakes up.  Daddy the trooper plays hard with her while Mommy sleeps.  They had stations set up and just kept rotating around the house.  They were so busy, neither of them remembered to eat breakfast!

6:30am - Mommy turns off alarm and accidentally falls back asleep.

6:40am - Lily and Daddy come to find sleeping Mommy so that Daddy can get ready for work.  Mommy nurses Lily in the nursery glider.  Lily falls back asleep!  Whoa!  They really played hard. Lily and Mommy curl up back in the bed and sleep longer.

7:30am - Lily wakes up, nurses, and we go to find breakfast!  Lily doesn't want breakfast.  Well, she eats a potato and lots of bacon.  Hmmm.

9:20am - Mommy and Lily leave for baby-toddler music time.  Lily loves walking around a new place (since Mommy brought socks).  Lily hates the socks, because her feet were getting warm, but she likes to walk around.  There were several steps all of the walkers like to walk up and down.  There is often a traffic jam between toddlers, parents, and servers at the stairs.

10:30am - Lily is getting tired, but Mommy wants her to stay away as long as possible.  If Grandma has to put her down for a 2nd or 3rd nap later AND put her to bed, she'll use way, way more milk than Mommy can pump in a day.

10:45am - Lily and Mommy go to the store to buy bananas and apples.

11:10am - Lily and Mommy go to the library to return our book about penguins and check out a book about goats.

11:20am - Lily and Mommy get back to the house.  Lily has a blast walking all over the house.  Lily plays "Pay Bills and Read Mail" and then pushed her walker around.  Grandma brings Lily's pack-n-play upstairs.

11:50am - Lily naps!

12:20pm - Mommy absconds from sleeping baby to get ready for work, which includes packing pump, changing into work clothes, making lunches, and wandering around the house like a confused and lost mental patient.

1:20pm - Baby wakes up from nap.  Mommy tries several times to nurse distracted baby.  Walk around house with baby.

2:00pm - Mommy runs out of house like crazy person.

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