Monday, September 3, 2012

Bradley Class #8 - Planning Your Birth

A few weeks ago, our Bradley birth class started to work on our birth plans.  Whether someone is planning on a natural or medicated birth, at a birth center or hospital, and with a midwife or doctor, a birth plan can communicate to staff what you want out of your birth experience.  Even though I have a lot of free reign at the natural birth center I chose, a birth plan can communicate some of the finer details of birth to our midwives and birth assistants.  Having traveled much of this with me, my birth coach and doula, Cortney, is pretty much on this natural wavelength, but our assistant birth coaches will gain insight into what I hope Lily's birth to look like. 

In class, we viewed a few example birth plans, and some of the gals brought in their own birth plans. Our Bradley teacher recommended that we print our birth plan with some color ink or on color paper, so that it would pop out in the collage of information that our health care provider has about us. She mentioned that keeping the language positive is ideal.  Make sure to have your name and your baby's name (if applicable) on the birth plan.  Also, the attitude with which we approach health care professionals, especially in a hospital, can help us meet our goals.  Even if we know what is best for our own and our baby's health, we go a lot farther with sugar, politeness, and some respect shown towards the people we're working with to bring this baby into the world.  
Even though going to the hospital and/or having a c-section are not at all a personal options for me, and I will do everything that I can to prevent these options from becoming a reality, I do want to insure that I communicate my preferences in the event that things change course.  And, if we end up at the hospital, it would be better to have them written down, because there might not be a whole lot of time to communicate them otherwise. This is a draft of what my birth plan is starting to look like:
  • Natural birth with no medication
  • Let birth happen on it's own time frame
  • Dim lights in birth room
  • Eat and drink during labor
  • Freedom to move around, change positions, and walk
  • Ability to push in different positions, not just on back
  • Privacy from staff is appreciated
  • Lots of family and friends to be around
  • Would like to be able to use birth tub and shower if desired in the moment
  • Would like to be able to walk around the birth center, if desired
  • Would like to rub in the vernix. Please leave it on the baby.
  • Waiting until all the blood has made it to baby before cutting the cord
  • My mom would like to cut the cord
  • Immediate skin-to-skin contact after birth
  • Opportunity to immediately start breastfeeding
  • Would like to rest for an hour with skin-to-skin contact with baby before going home
  • Prefer plant-based vitamin K drops (or none at all)
  • To go home as soon as possible after birth, provided that we are not exhausted

If end up in a c-section, I would like:

  • Coach with me in surgery
  • Conscious during procedure, so that I am alert when baby is born
  • Sutures to close up my wounds
  • Immediate skin-to-skin contact after birth
  • Wait to cut the cord until all of the blood has flowed into baby
  • Breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth
  • Time along with the baby after birth
  • Rooming in with the baby
  • All measures be taken, so that she remains in the room with me and on my bed during any procedures she may need

  • Lotions/creams
  • Laboring on back
  • Vitamin K shot
  • More than a couple vaginal exams
  • Washing the baby at birth
  • Pacifer

At the hospital, please AVOID:

  • C-section
  • Inducing labor
  • Epesiotimy
  • IV fluids
  • Medications, including epidural, pitocin, etc.
  • Electronic fetal monitoring
  • Artificial rupturing of the membranes
  • Premature rupturing of the membranes
  • Vacuum
  • Forceps
  • Vaccines and shots at birth
  • Medical procedures on me or baby without parental consent
  • Suctioning the baby's mouth
  • Eye drops after birth
  • Formula/bottles
  • Staples to close up my wounds (prefer sutures)

If end up in a c-section, please AVOID:

  • Flouridated anesthesia
  • Washing the baby after birth
  • Removing baby from me, unless life-saving procedure needed

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