Thursday, June 27, 2013

27 June Crazy-Amazing

Roll. squirm, cry, boob, sleep.

Roll. squirm, cry, boob, sleep.

This process repeated itself about 10 times last night.  I kept saying in my sleep that I thought she was cold.  But, I didn't have enough awareness to get her PANTS.  We did have blankets over us all, but somehow, she kept ending up on top of them.  I mean it was 90-some-odd degree yesterday.  It could have been teething.  It's been the teething for the last 8 months.  There was one point I realized Daddy had bailed and found a couch somewhere with no squirmy-rolly-cryee baby.  At 6:00am, jealous Mommy came down with squirmy baby and said "Here.  I am going back to bed."

It was 7:00am when I realized that we were out of diapers.  OUT OF DIAPERS.  How the BLEEP did that happen?!  We just got two packs in the mail, I thought.  Not packs.  Cases.  I thought we just got two cases.  Maybe we didn't.  Maybe we did.  Did we really use two cases of diapers?  Fuck.  No, we didn't just use two cases.

Egg the baby.  Pack the stroller.  Head out.  BAM.  She might need an earlier nap.  No problem.  I got this in the bag.  Walk the 1.1 miles to the organic market.  It's 7:30am, and I got this covered.  Shit.  They don't open until 8:00am.  How did I screw that up?  Daddy asks me if I would like him to come get us.  No.  I got this.  Bam....?  Lily watches the cars and loves it for a long time. Then, she nurses while listening to traffic and playing with the blanket I'm trying to cover her with.  She loves that, too.

 When she gets fussy, I put her in the baby carrier I remembered to bring and we walk around the building.  We nurse more, and then the store opens, so we shop. When I go to nab some size 4 diapers, they only have 1, 2, and 6.  Or some training pants.  No size 4 or 5.  The hell with this.  I grab the size 6 diapers.  It's better than peeing all over the place.  Or, is it....?

On the way back, she fusses a bit before I throw on some white noise and she passes out.  I was stressfully walking and then it turned into a stroll.  All in all, a good morning.  Good walk.  Saw cars.  Sleeping baby.  BAM.

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