Saturday, June 29, 2013

Why Being A Mom Is Aweome

My favorite part of the day is coming home to wrap my arms around this baby.  She doesn't even wait for a kiss; she just wants to nurse to sleep.  She is so sweet as she falls asleep.  The way she stares off into nothing as her eyes slowly close.  We curl up together in the bed and she's out (for a few minutes, at least).  

Lily has the biggest smile.  And, her laugh is so intense.  Oh, that face.  That face!  The way her face lights up when she's happy.  She's often happy.  Lots of things bring her joy.  She loves to dance.  She loves to sing.  She loves to see cars.  When she sees you again after not seeing you for a bit, she gives the biggest smile.  She might fuss while trying to fall asleep, but then she'll stand up in the breeze of the fan, and her face just explodes with smiles.  She's also often laughing when she's really trying to be upset.  The ma-ma-ma-ma sounds like heaven.  Right up there with the da-da-da-da.

This girl has jokes.  She loves to play peek a boo.  She loves the thrill of a good scare.  And, she loves to play "gotcha."  She will wait until you are minding your own business.  Maybe you're just standing there.  Maybe you are walking away.  Maybe you're trying to feed her a small bite.  Or, maybe you're changing her diaper.  But, she will grab your arm, hand, or leg and start laughing in this "smart-ass" laugh.

Even though she is intense in the sense that she needs a lot more from us than other babies, we feel like we get a lot back.  That she's not just intense-bad, but she's also hella intense-good.

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