Monday, July 20, 2015

Playing pretend driving

I was at the thrift store the other day, and I picked up a few good toddler activity idea books.  I've been sifting through them and jotting notes down about things we could do.  Lily is not at all the kind of baby who can play by herself or play with a toy for a long time.  I realized recently that if I plan out our day, it will help us both manage expectations.

One of the ideas was to take a big box and make a car.  We're at the point right now where she can't wait long for me to gather materials, so instead of making it complicated, I just took a marker and drew on the box.  We both get in (my feet hanging over) and she drives.  She beeps the horn, hits the gas peddle, and puts the blinker on.  She even changes the radio to put on Taylor Swift, though she is also nice enough to let me listen to the news.

Some liquid was spilled on the dashboard, and Lily got upset last night when she saw it. 

"Oh no! It's dirty!  Look, it's dirty!"  Lily said.

"No worries, baby," Mommy said.  "It's just like in our car when mommy spills coffee all over the place."

"Is it red?" She asked.

"No, it's green.  GO! GO! GO!"

Target homeschool dollar bin finds

This month, I ransacked the dollar bins at Target (I was looking for a watering can for the toddler who loves to water the plants), and I came away with a lot of great educational items.

We struck gold with this.  The month marker at top we already picked up from the dollar store.  What I found at Target was this yesterday/today/tomorrow wall poster.  We can change the days and talk about it every day.  It's easy to skip over topics when it's hard to explain them to a toddler, but this really helped us bring the days of the week into our regular rotation.

This is a great activity we've already been doing.  Spin the arrow and then find something of that color or the shape, depending on what it says.

This came in a pack of 4-5.  I'm sure we'll find lots of uses for it!

This clock is shown front and back here.  I bought two, because I knew we'd use it.  I was going to make on of these with a paper plate, but this is great!

These map activities are neat, though probably more for teachers.  It is a pack of 32 of the same worksheet (front and back).  One is a US map, one is the world map.  The US map will be useful, because we can practice filling them in over and over, and the back lists the state capitals and we can fill those in over and over.  The world map we might just use a few times, because it's just continents and the same word find game.  

From the upper left: I picked up a kiddie lanyard, because she loves her daddy's work badge!  Then, there is a pack of travel dry erase letter writing cards!  OMG!  In the center, there are flash cards with rhyming words, because I have a hard time thinking of words that rhyme.  Then, these box games take a skill like multiplication or money and make it into a game!  Those will be great to bust out at some point in the future as just another fun, learning thing to do.

Monday, July 6, 2015

We took our first paddle boat ride!

Daddy had a four-day weekend for the Fourth of July, so we went to the Reston Zoo on Friday.  We took our first paddle boat ride.  With Lily being so intense and kicking/writhing when she doesn't want to do something, I thought it would be a long while before we got to this point where we could have her in a water craft without ending up in the water!  It was a lot of fun.