Monday, July 29, 2013

"Wait It Out" Method

The Dr. Sears Baby Sleep Book mentioned that mamas who are long term side lying nursing on demand (i.e. human pacifiers) should find other mamas who are doing the same.   I got frisky and joined some Facebook groups, including something called the "Wait It Out" Method.  Yes.  That's exactly what I'm doing, even though it's the hardest thing I've ever done.  We're waiting it out.  We're waiting until Lily decides she's gonna sleep longer.  Until she just eventually sleeps through the night.  For us, this means cosleeping, nursing to sleep, and nursing on demand (even at night).  I stay in the bed with Lily as long as she needs, and it's really hard on the weeks when I don't get any time to myself.  I relish in watching her fall asleep and getting to cuddle with her over and over.  For us, we have to respond to her nap and night wakings right away, or else Lily tends to wake up too much to go right back to sleep.  We want this journey to be the most comfortable for her.  She's happy, and that makes us happy. To each parent their own way.

Some recent posts from this Facebook group made me feel right at home:
Help! I think my baby has been abducted by aliens and replaced with a fake!! He fell asleep in under 5 minutes and not attached to the boob!
My lo cut tooth #5 last week. ..and is currently cutting #6. After several attempts, I realised that I am definitely not getting my nipple back any time soon Haha can someone bring me a sandwich? I'm hungry!Lol
How I feel when LOs pediatrician said I MUST do CIO because I'm just letting my LO manipulate me...GRIN AND IGNORE IT
I stumbled upon a mom in the local moms group who is doing the same with the long term side lying night nursing.  Man, is it good to have someone else to bounce stories off of and complain to who is not just going to tell me to night wean or cry it out.  Each baby is different and we know that Lily will have none of that weaning or crying business.

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