Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rolly Polly Baby

So, this baby girl of ours loves her Daddy.  She loves Daddy so much that she must be touching both of us while sleeping.  This process has been repeating itself over and over at night lately.  Lily falls off the boob, eventually wakes up, realizes there's no boob, finds boob, realizes she's not touching Daddy, rolls until she finds Daddy, rolls back to boob, back to Daddy, back to Mommy, back to sleep.  Or something like that. 

Not only does this process wake up Mommy, but it also wakes up Daddy.  I don't mind.  It is the long hours of being awake at night and the early wake up times that get me.  But Daddy was suffering from being woken up too many times.  He refuses to sleep on the futon in the guest room, because he doesn't get to see Lily much as it is.  Besides that, he is just tickled pink that she cares enough about him to come find him in the bed at night.  Last night, he did sleep in our bed, which was a good gamble.  Lily only rolled over to him once.  And, after cuddling him for a few minutes, she spent most of the night sound asleep between us.

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